Fenway Fallout

In your article on John Sasso ("Would You Buy a Ballpark from, this Man?" June 16), you refer to Tom Scanlon as a community activist." Either you are very naive or he purposely misled you. Tom is a highly salaried employee of the FCDC where he commutes every day from his home in Somerville, Massachusetts. He, along with most of the other 14 employees funded by their $750,000 operating budget do not even live in Boston, let alone the Fenway. His job is to insure a continuous flow of money into the corporation, a job made easier by fooling reporters like yourself into thinking he is a community activist. Perhaps his statement that he is on the phone with Sasso once or twice a week should have clued you in. I do not know any real community activists, people who work for a living and volunteer for their community on the side who have that kind of time to spend on the phone with reporters like you cluttering the Fenway's landscape. My tax dollars are supporting Mr. Scanlon's salary, and I resent your misrepresenting him to people like me and my neighbors whose honest volunteerism and years of experience have earned them the title of "neighborhood activists." I think you owe us an apology.
Fredericka Veikley, Boston
(Frederica Veikley is a board member of the Fenway Civic Association.)