Fenway Action Coalition

Working towards a better neighborhood, a better Boston

An arial view of the Back Bay Fens (click for more)

Opposition to Proposed Stadium

The Fenway Action Coalition (FAC) is the only independent, all-volunteer, community activist group in Boston's Fenway neighborhood.

We invite you to explore and learn about some of the issues facing the neighborhood. We hope you will find our site to be a valuable resource.

The news links are updated almost daily.

NEW! Check the FAC BLOG for regular posts regarding neighborhood happenings.

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To contact us:
Fenway Action Coalition
P.O Box 230439
Astor Station
Boston, MA 02123-0439
Phone: (617) 437-1994
Fax: (617) 247-4248
  Please send technical comments/questions via e-mail to the webmaster

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